Musing - October 2021
“Personal magnetism is a synonym for charisma. Whichever term one chooses, there won’t be much of it found in Washington.” Benson
“One can prioritize oneself into mediocrity.”
“. . . being a Democrat was beginning to smack of sedition.” The Lords of Discipline by Pat Conroy and published in 1980!
The Definition of Deterrence - When an adversary of our country terrorizes our people, violates our soil or coastal waters, we will hunt them down, eliminate them, burn their house, steal their wallet, and kill their dog. Paraphrased as best I can recall from U.S. Army MG Stiner defining deterrence circa 1992 at Hurlburt Field, FL after a special operations exercise. I don’t think General Stiner minded exaggerating the facts a bit to drive home his point, but I don’t think he was worried about collateral damage either.
“Success has little time for patience.” Benson
Battle encompasses horrible scenes, shocking the senses and tunneling their way into the memory bank only to return in dreams, depression, and haunting thoughts.” Paraphrased from the great Union volunteer Joshua L. Chamberlain
“Failing organizations are desperate for aggressive, unwavering, ice-in-the-veins leaders; anything but gracious, popularity seeking, cautious. conforming, managerial types.” Benson
Faith is the tipping point that determines many of the outcomes in our lives. We have to birth it and feed it. Worry, fear, and doubt are evidence of the absence of such faith. Paraphrased from a sermon by Pastor Darrell Bush at Ocean Drive Presbyterian Church summer 2021.
“Like a partridge that hatches eggs it did not lay is the man who gains riches by unjust means. When his life is half gone, they will desert him, and in the end he will prove to be a fool.” Jeremiah 17:21
One good adjective for a great leader is that he is “self-commanding.” Paraphrased from the writings of J.L. Chamberlain
“We should remember that one man is much the same as another, and he is best who is trained in the severest school.” Thucydides Note: Sometimes I used this quote to make my point at one of the military academies I led. realizing that ‘severest’ was a strong word. A Board member thought it inappropriate and directed that I no longer use it. Of course, I ignored his counsel knowing that the wisdom of Thucydides far exceeded that of the Board member in question.
“Do not bemoan the obstacles; focus on the Vision.” Benson
'“How much better to get wisdom than gold and good judgment than silver.” Proverbs 16:16
“Whomever believes in him will not be put to shame.” Romans 10:11