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Knaves and Fools

The Left and its loyal benefactor, the liberal media have seemingly cauterized American thinking to the extent that looting (stealing) is an acceptable means of protest; the killing of the innocent unborn is a right; the wealthy, famous, and powerful are immune to prosecution; bold-face lying is expected and universal political-speak; American culture is not worth preserving; illegal immigrants should have the same rights and benefits as citizens; sanctuary cities for foreign criminals are a human action; and much more.

Without divine intervention the endstate for America appears to be in the hands of knaves (exploiters) and fools (victims). Benson

Note: There has never been a country in the history of the world that lasted and improved itself except by a religious and spiritual revival. “Spiritual and Moral Awakening,” Decision Magazine, May 20-21, 2021, Billy Graham Evangelical Association,