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Creating an Exceptional Business

Much of what I write about in this blog and my books relates to people.  Companies do not become exceptional with detailed strategic plans, reorganizations, improved processes, and great facilities.  Nor do they get to the top with average people.  If you seek an exceptional company, go after exceptional people, whatever the cost.  Senior leaders should be continuously upgrading every position in their company.  Average sales people, average department heads, average marketeers, average engineers, average teachers/trainers, and/or average leadership will get you and average company at best.  The boneyard is replete with average organizations/companies.

It is easier said than done to continuously upgrade the staff and work force.  Of course, there is early retirement, intra-company transfers seeking to find the right slot for an average worker with greater potential, reduced hours, probation, et al.  But you cannot avoid the fact that continuous quality improvement of personnel involves heavy lifting by courageous senior leaders.  Even then, the decisions are painful for all concerns to include the leader making the decisions.

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