America - once an island nation
As a young officer in the late 60s and 70s, military instructors taught us that America was an island nation, protected by two great oceans, and that we would never fight a war on our homeland. Over the years apathetic enforcement of our immigration laws has permitted illegal immigration to affect our citizenry and economy in many ways.
However, during the last Administration, Obama opened the flood gates , not just to poor Latinos seeking employment, but to an unknown number of unvetted radical Islamists who have vowed "Death to America." These Islamists have imprisoned our Embassy officials; burned our flag; imprisoned, tortured, and beheaded our citizens; and more.
Today, there are estimated to be more than 2,000,000 Islamists in America. Few have assimilated as one observes examples such as Dearborn, Michigan where they maintain a state within a state. They and millions of other immigrants and even minorities have been patronized to "block vote" for leftist candidates in every election. Islamists served at the right hand of the president and secretary of state in the last Administration, and there may remain leftist Islamists in key positions in the Federal government.
So much for the safety afforded by the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. The safety net of the two oceans already had cracks, but Obama encouraged by his Democratic constituency created holes that may never be closed.